Ett barn provar experimentet Cyber lumen

Cyber lumen

This experiment allows us to explore both our perception and the proportions of gases. The colour of the tube changes, depending on the gas it contains.

The rotating light tube forms special patterns. It is switched off and on several times a second and this influences the gas in the tube. The eye cannot keep up with the rapid switching between light and darkness, nor with the rapid rotation of the tube. It experiences the light and patterns with a delay, which gives rise to what is known as an "afterimage".

The light tube emits light with different colours, depending on the gas that is in it. The tube contains electrically charged noble gases such as neon, argon and krypton, together with a small amount of mercury. The blue colour is obtained when mercury is mixed with argon. The technology used in the Cyber lumen tubes is also used to make neon signs.

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