
Together for a sustainable future

At Tom Tits Experiment the future challenges the present in a borderless environment. Together with our partners we give visitors the opportunity to experience science and technology in a creative and inclusive way – regardless of their age.

The times we live in are changing and the world is facing big challenges. Scientific and technical advances shape our society and our future. Together with our partners, Tom Tits Experiment is working to ensure that greater numbers of children and young people are stimulated to an interest in science and technology. We want more people to feel included and be able to contribute to a sustainable future. We encourage curiosity, thirst for knowledge and lifelong learning for nearly 200 000 visitors every year.

Our partners unite business benefit with societal benefit. Companies and organisations working with Tom Tits Experiment obtain unique opportunities to invest in the present and reap profits in the future.

We are happy to discuss the details of a collaboration with you! Please contact us at for a more detailed presentation and discussion about how we can work together in the best possible way.

A child is holding a picture frame, through it we see Tom Tits Experiment

Our partners