Experimentet I ching

I Ching

The I Ching is a hexagram in the ancient Chinese text of the same name. "I Ching" or Yi Jing means "Book of Changes". The book is an important work for the Taoism and Confucianism religions. The text has been around in its present form since 200 BCE, but may have been in use much longer.

At the end of the 17th century, the philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz worked with binary numbers. Through correspondence with Chinese academics, he discovered I Ching. I Ching is a string of short and long dashes, which when used in different combinations create different meanings.

Binary numbers used in computer programming use ones and zeros. Using ASCII, the ones and zeros are translated into a language we can understand. These binary numbers spell the word tom tits:

t   0101 0100
o  0100 1111
m 0100 1101
    0010 0000
t  0101 0100
i  0100 1001
t  0101 0100
s  0101 0011

The Korean flag contains the I Ching tangrams for "sky" (summer) at the top left, "water" (autumn) to the top right, "earth" (winter) at the bottom right and "fire" (spring).

Sydkoreas flagga

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