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At bowel’s length

How long is the small intestine? Pull it out and see for yourself!

A human’s small intestine is usually between three and five metres long. The small intestine is divided into the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum. It begins at the lower part of the stomach, the fundus, and ends as it moves into the large intestine where you can find the appendix. The intestine is held together by a set of concertina-like tissues called mesentery at the posterior abdominal wall.

The mucous membrane in the small intestine contains villi. The villi help absorb nutrients. The small intestine’s mucous membrane contains glands that produce fluids known as intestinal juice.

The main function of the small intestine is to break down nutrients into smaller components using enzymes from the pancreas. The blood vessels and lymphatic vessels then absorb all the essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

Here, you can learn more about the digestive process.

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