Experimentet Bläckfläcken

Ink Blot

The object of a Rorschach test is to show how we associate certain concepts. In this way we can draw conclusions about who we are. What can you see in the image?

If you let some watercolours run across a piece of paper at random and then fold the paper in the middle, a symmetrical pattern is formed – an ink blot. They often appear as extended wings. Many people see meaningful shapes in the patterns, similar to the way in which others see fantasy figures in the changing shapes of clouds in the sky.

The Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach introduced a test with ten ink blot patterns in 1921. An analysis of the impressions and thoughts that are stimulated in a person who sees these patterns, with their shapes and colours full of possible meaning, may provide an insight into the make-up of the viewer’s personality.

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